A weekly digest covering knowledge & society, AI & emerging technology, trends and extraordinary articles, hand-picked to broaden your mind and challenge your thinking.
Box of Amazing is a free newsletter that I send out every Sunday. I curate ten+ high-quality articles to provide you with clarity around the world that we are in and the future world that we are fast moving towards.With Box of Amazing you'll get everything from robotics to artificial intelligence and ChatGPT, drones to Amazon Echo, autonomous electric vehicles to cryptocurrency, DNA privacy to augmented reality, real cyborgs to 3D printed blood and anything in between. There's also coverage of how our world is changing, what's trending today and what's on the cusp. In addition to the tech you'll also get opinion and analysis around adjacent transformative areas such as clean energy, hypertravel, genomics, online education and the new normal post COVID-19.It's free to sign up. The email goes out every Sunday morning GMT and will take you about 3 minutes to read (or 3 hours if you want to deep dive into the week's recommended stories). You'll be in good company - Box of Amazing has subscribers from all the big tech players, consultancies, government and from all corners of the globe from Silicon Valley to Shanghai and comprises press, investors, futurists, "unicorners" as well as normal people like you and me.
Did I say that it's free?
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